Thompson Taraz has great pleasure in announcing that the FCA has approved its application to act as an AIFMD depositary of closed ended, unauthorised private equity and real estate funds. This allows Thompson Taraz to offer its fund manager clients the certainty of appointing an authorised PE AIF Depositary ahead of the end of the transitional year on 22 July, 2014.
The EIS Association Chairman’s Annual Reception was held on Thursday 12th February at the House of Lords. The event, presided over by Chairman, Lord Flight, brought together all EISA members to discuss developments in the EIS industry and issues serving to inhibit further growth. In her welcome speech, Baroness O’Cathain, OBE, highlighted the problem of youth unemployment and asked each EIS Association member to consider employing just one young person in a bid to tackle it. Also touching on the UK’s socio-economic challenges, guest speaker, Mark Garnier, Member of the Treasury Select Committee, spoke about the continuing difficulty of small businesses in raising equity investment, and reiterated the negative effect of ongoing southeast centric investment. He congratulated the EISA on its work helping to channel funds into the enterprise arena, and also for its work with other industry groups.
For those involved or interested in EIS, SEIS and other alternative investments, we are out and about next week at two major industry events. On Tuesday 26 November, we’ll be attending the VCT and EIS Investor Forum, held at 200 Aldersgate, St Paul’s and, the following day, Wednesday 27 November we’ll be at the Alternative Investment Summit 2013, at Central Hall in Westminster. For anyone that would like to meet us there for a chat about how we might be able to help you get your fund off the ground, please email Catherine Deptford, our Investment Manager: